Xiuchuan Zhang

Personal Website

This is Xiuchuan's personal website.
I plan to post some of my current learning and review notes on it.
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Introduction to Probability and Data

These are the notes by learning the “Introduction to Probability and Data” from Coursera.org for future reviews.

Introduction to Data

  • Data matrix: data are organized in
  • Observation (case): row
  • Variable: column

Types of variables

  • Numerical
    • numerical values (sensible to add, subtract, take averages, etc. with them) 1. continuous: infinite number of values within a given range 2. discrete: specific set of numeric values
  • Categorical
    • limited number of distinct categories (not sensible to do arithmetic operations)
      1. ordinal: inherent ordering
      2. Nominal: not ordering

Relationships between variables

  • associated (dependent) : positive or negative
  • independent : not associated

Observational study

  • collect data in a way that does not directly interfere with how data arise (“observe”)
  • only establish an association
  • retrospective: use past data
  • prospective: data are collected throughout the study

Experiment study

  • randomly assign subjects to treatments
  • establish causal connections

Why not Census

  • some individuals are hard to locate or measure, and these people be different from the rest of the population
  • populations rarely stand still

Sources of Sampling bias

  • Convenience sample: individuals who are easily accessible are more likely to be included in the sample
  • Non-response: If only a (non-random) fraction of the randomly sampled people respond to survey such that the sample is no longer representative of the population
  • Voluntary response: Occurs when the sample consists of people who volunteer to respond because they have strong opinions on the issue

Sample Methods

  • simple random sampling: randomly select cases from the population
  • stratified sampling: first divide the population into homogenous groups called strata, and then randomly sample from within each stratum
  • cluster sampling: divide the population into clusters, randomly sample a few clusters, and then sample all observation within these clusters
  • multistage sampling: divide the population into clusters, randomly sample a few clusters, and then we randomly sample observations from within these clusters

Experimental design

  • Principles of Experimental Design:
    1. control: compare treatment of interest to a control group
    2. randomize: randomly assigning subjects to treatments
    3. replicate: collect a sufficiently large sample, or replicate the entire study
    4. block: block for variables known or suspected to affect the outcome
  • confounding variable: is correlated with both the explanatory and response variables
  • Explanatory variables (factors): conditions we can impose on our experimental units
  • Blocking variables: characteristics that the experimental units come with, that we would like to control for
  • Blocking is like stratifying:
    • blocking during random assignment
    • stratifying during random sampling

Experimental terminology

  • placebo: fake treatment, often used as the control group for medical studies
  • placebo effect: showing change despite being on the placebo
  • blinding: experimental units do not know which group they are in
  • double-blind: both the experimental units and the researchers do not know the group assignment

Random sampling and random assignment

ideal experiment $\searrow$ Random Assignment No Random Assignment most observational studies $\swarrow$
Random Sampling Causal and Generalizable not Causal, but Generalizable Generalizability
No Random Sampling Causal, but not Generalizable neither Causal nor Generalizable Np Generalizability
most experiments $\nearrow$ Causation Association bad observational studies $\nwarrow$

Exploratory Data Analysis and Introduction to Inference


  • explanatory variable on x axis
  • response variable on y axis
  • correlation, not causation

Evaluate the relationship

  • direction: positive or negative
  • shape: linear or curved or others
  • strength: strong or weak
  • outliers


  • provide a view of the data density
  • especially useful for identifying shapes of distributions


  • distributions are skewed to the side of the long tail
    • left skewed: the longer tail is on the left on the negative end
      • mean < median
    • symmetric: no skewness is apparent
      • mean $\approx$ median
    • right skewed: the longer tail is on the right, the positive end
      • mean > median


  • unimodal: one prominent peak (normal distribution or bell curve)
  • bimodal: two prominent peak (might two distinct groups in data)
  • uniform: no prominent peaks (no apparent trend)
  • multimodal: more than two prominent peaks

Bin width

the chosen bin width can alter the story the histogram is telling

  • bin width too wide: might lose interesting details
  • bin width too narrow: might be difficult to get an overall picture of the distribution
  • ideal bin width depends on the data you are working with

Dot plot

  • useful when individual values are of interest
  • can get too busy as the sample size increases

Box plot

  • useful for highlighting outliers, media, IQR(interquartile range)

Intensity map

  • useful for highlighting the spatial distribution

Measures of spread

  • range: (max - min)
  • variance: roughly the average squared deviation from the mean
    • sample variance: $s^2$
    • population variance: $(\sigma)^2$
    • $s^2 = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i - \bar{x})^2}{n-1}$
  • standard deviation: roughly the average deviation around the mean, and has the same units as the data
    • sample sd: $s$
    • population sd: $\sigma$
  • inter-quartile range
    • range of the middle 50% of the data, distance between the first quartile (25th percentile) and third quartile (the 75th percentile)
    • most readily available in a box plot.
    • $IQR = Q_3 - Q_1$

Robust Statistics

  • define: measures on which extreme observations have little effect
  • robust measures of center & spread:
  robust non-robust
center median mean
spread IQR SD, range

Transforming data

  • define: a rescaling of the data using a function
  • When data are very strongly skewed, we sometimes transform them, so that they are easier to model
  • (natural) log transformation:
    • often applied when much of the data cluster near zero (relative to larger values in the dataset) and all observations are positive
    • to make the relationship between the variables more linear, and hence easier to model with simple methods
  • other transformations:
    • square root
    • inverse
  • goals:
    • to see the data structure differently
    • to reduce skew assist in modeling
    • to straighten a nonlinear relationship in a scatterplot

Exploring Categorical Variables

  • Bar plots
    • Q: How are bar plots different than histograms?
    • barplots for categorical variables, histograms for numerical variables
    • x-axis on a histogram is a number line, and the ordering od the bars are not interchangeable
  • Segmented bar plot
    • useful for visualizing conditional frequency distributions
    • compare relative frequencies to explore the relationship between the variables
  • Relative frequency segmented bar plot
  • Mosaicplot
  • Side-by-side box plots

Introduction to inference

  • null hypothesis($H_0$): independent, “There is nothing going on”
  • alternative hypothesis($H_A$): dependent, “There is something going on”

  • hypothesis testing framework
    • start with a null hypothesis($H_0$) that represents that status quo
    • set an alternative hypothesis($H_A$) that represents our research question, i.e. what we’re testing for
    • conduct a hypothesis test under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true, either via simulation or using theoretical methods
      • If the test results suggest that the data do not provide convincing evidence for the alternative hypothesis, we stick with the null hypothesis
      • If they do, then we reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative

Inference summary

  • set a null and an alternative hypothesis
  • simulate the experiment assuming that the null hypothesis is true
  • evaluated the p_value: probability of observing an outcome at least as extreme as the one observed in the original data
  • if this probability is low, reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative

Probability and Distribution

  • random process: know what outcomes could happen, but don’t know which particular outcome will happen

  • P (A) = Probability of event A
    • 0≤P(A)≤1
  • frequentist interpretation: The probability of an outcome would occur if we observed the random process an infinite number of times.

  • Bayesian interpretation: A Bayesian interprets probability as a subjective degree of belief

  • largely popularized by revolutionary advance in computational technology and methods during the last twenty years

  • law of large members: sates that as more observations are collected, the proportion of occurrences with a particular outcome converges to the probably of that outcome

  • common misunderstanding: gambler’s fallacy (law of averages)

  • disjoint (mortally exclusive) events cannot happen at the same time
    • P(A & B) = 0
    • Union of disjoint events: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A & B)
    • Complementary → disjoint; complementary !← disjoint
  • non-disjoint events can happen at the same time
    • P(A & B) != 0
  • sample space: a collection of all possible outcomes of a trial

  • probability distribution: all possibility outcomes in the sample space, and the probabilities with they occur

  • Rules:
    • the events listed must be disjoint
    • each probability must be between 0 and I
    • the probabilities must total I
    • complementary events: two mentally exclusive events whose probabilities add up to l
  • Independence: P(A/B) = P(A), P(A1, … & Ak<\sub>) = P(A1) × … × P(Ak)

  • Dependence: P(A/B) = P(A & B)/ P(B), P(A & B) = P(A/B) × P(B)

  • Posterior Probability: P(hypothesis / data) → P(hypothesis is true / observed data)

  • P-value: P(data / hypothesis) → P(observed or more extreme outcome / H0 is true)

Normal Distribution

Normal distribution $N( \mu , \sigma )$

  • unimodal and symmetric
    • bell curve
  • follows very strict guidelines about how variably the data are distributed around the mean
  • Many variables are nearly normal, but none are exactly normal
  • two parameters: mean μ and stand deviation σ
  • Changing the center and the spread of the distribution changes the overall shape of the distribution
  • rules govern the variability of normally distributed data around the mean

Standardizing with Z scores

  • standardized (Z) score of an obervation is the number of standard deviations it falls above or below the mean
    • $Z = \frac{observation - mean}{SD}$
    • Z score of mean = 0 (normally: median ≈ 0 )
    • unusual observation: $\lvert Z\rvert > 2$
    • defined for distributions of any shape
  • when the distribution is normal, Z scores can be used to calculate percentiles
    • Percentile is the percentage of observations that fall below a given data point
    • graphically, percentile is the area below the probability distribution curve to the left of that observation
    • if the distribution does not follow the nice unimodal symmetric normal shape, you’d need to use calculus for that
  • Methods for Z scores
    1. Using R: pnorm(-1, mean = 0, sd = 1) (qnorm for quantiles or cutoff values)
    2. Distribution Calculator
    3. Table


  • anatomy of a normal probability plot
    • Data are plotted on the y-axis of a normal probability plot, and theoretical quantiles (following a normal distribution) on the x-axis
    • If there is a one-to-one relationship between the data and the theoretical quantiles, then the data follow a nearly normal distribution.
    • Since a one-to-one relationship would appear as a straight line on a scatter plot, the closer the points are to a perfect straight line, the more confident we can be that the data follow a normal model.
    • Constructing a normal probability plot requires calculating percentiles and corresponding z-scores for each observation, which is tedious. Therefore, we generally rely on software when making these plots.

  • Also can using 68-95-99.7% rule

Binomial Distribution

  • binomial distribution describes the probability of having exactly k successes in n independent Bernoulli trials with probability of success p
    • # of scenarios × P(single scenario)
    • $P(k = K) = {n \choose k} p^k (1-p)^{(n-k)}$

      in R: dbinom(k, size, p) Distribution Calculator

    • Choose function: ${n \choose k}=\dfrac{n!}{k!(n−k)!}$

      in R: choose(n, k)

Binomial conditions

  1. The trials are independent.
  2. The number of trials, n, is fixed.
  3. Each trial outcome can be classified as a success or failure.
  4. The probability of a success, p, is the same for each trial.
  • Expected value (mean) of binomial distribution ($\mu = np$) and its standard deviation ($\sigma = \sqrt{np(1-p)}$)

normal approximation

  • Fact: when the number of trials increases, the shape of the binomial actually starts looking closer and closer to a full normal distribution

  • Calculate the probabilities for each outcome from a to b and sum them up

    in R: sum(dbinom(a:b, size = n, p =p))

  • Success-failure rule: a binomial distribution with at least 10 expected successes and 10 expected failures closely follows a normal distribution
    • $np \geq 10$
    • $n( 1-p ) \geq 10$
  • Normal approximation to the binomial: If the success-failure condition holds, then
    • $ Binomial(n,p) \thicksim Normal(\mu,\sigma) $
    • where $ \mu = np $ and $ \sigma = \sqrt{np(1-p)} $



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