Stock Options
因为 觉得 如果金融市场开放,之后总需要一些金融知识,更好得去个人理财,所以 找了点资料 自学了 股票期权。最近 沉迷股市 学习期权,所以 学了半斤八两的我 来写写 关于 股票期权 的介绍手册, 帮助 像我一样的小白 从 编程 与 数学的角度 了解期权。若有哪里不对,欢迎大佬在评论区留言。这里就不写Python 的绘图代码了,详情请看专栏@TOC基本概念什么是期权? 期 -> 未来,权 -> 权利 期权 顾名思义 就是 追求 未来的权利 2015年 2月 9日,股票期...…
Signals and Systems with Python
本笔记知识点摘录自 西安电子科技大学 郭宝龙 的 网课 信号与系统疫情在家,于是没事看看网课自习。本人是应用数学专业,对于信号学很感兴趣。之前在一节叫图像重构 Image Reconstruction 的数学课上,没怎么弄懂, 最近在B站看到这节课,于是打算从另一个领域去搞懂。因为去年自学了Python, 同时最近也用它搞 AI, 就打算拿它做摘录笔记。本原文档是用 Jupyter notebook 写, 并转换为 Markdown 格式的。 (1) 简介 Intro (2) 傅里...…
Python Methods in Dictionaries and Sets
source: Data Model Book: Fluent Python 表3-1dict、collections.defaultdict和collections.OrderedDict这三种映射类型的方法列表(依然省略了继承自object的常见方法);可选参数以[…]表示Methods of the mapping types dict, collections.defaultdict, and collections. OrderedDict (common ...…
Python Method in List
source: Data Model Book: Fluent Python 列表或元组或元组或双向队列的方法和属性列表或元组或元组或双向队列的方法和属性(那些由object类支持的方法没有列出来)Methods and attributes found in list or tuple or array or deque (methods implemented by object are omitted for brevity) ...…
Python Special Methods
source: Data Model Book: Fluent Python 表1-1:** 跟运算符无关的特殊方法 ** ** Special method names (operators excluded)** 类别 Category 方法名(Method names) 字符串 / 字节序列表示形式 String/bytes representation __rep...…
Tensorflow 2.0 Learning Notebook
—- Tensorflow 2.0 学习笔记After continuously touching Machine Learning stuffs, I want to learn it deeply. Currently, the large infectious disease outbreak in China, I try to use the few days break to review and learn the tensorflow to have a better un...…
Mathematics Reviews (2019)
This review is for myself further learning to find notations def. & thm. easierSource of the notes:WikipediaLinear Analysis Lecture Notes Boundary Value Problems for Linear PDEs Inverse Problems in Imaging notes Common Formul Quick...…
Regular Expression
基本符号:^ 表示匹配字符串的开始位置 (例外 用在中括号中[ ] 时,可以理解为取反,表示不匹配括号中字符串)$ 表示匹配字符串的结束位置* 表示匹配 零次到多次+ 表示匹配 一次到多次 (至少有一次)? 表示匹配零次或一次. 表示匹配单个字符 | 表示为或者,两项中取一项( ) 小括号表示匹配括号中全部字符[ ] 中括号表示匹配括号中一个字符 范围描述 如[0-9 a-z A-Z]{ } 大括号用于限定匹配次数 如 {n}表示匹配n个字符 {n,}表示至少匹...…
vim en
1. Vim Cheatsheet 1.1. Global 1.2. Cursor movement 1.3. Insert mode - inserting/appending text 1.4. Editing 1.5. Marking text (visual mode) 1.6. Visual commands 1.7. Cut and paste 1.8. Search and repla...…
vim Chinese
最近安装了Pycharm, 打算重新拾起VIM, 所以找了份cheatsheet。This note is from VIM CHEATSHEET. 1. 光标移动 2. 插入模式:进入退出 3. INSERT MODE 4. 文本编辑 5. 复制粘贴 6. 文本对象 7. 查找替换 9. 位置跳转 10. VISUAL MODE 11. 文件操作 12. 缓存操作 13. 窗口操作 14. 标签页 15. 书签 16. 常用设置 17. 帮助信息 18....…
Most notes and code are from:Embeddings Embedding layers Set up Rating prediction model in Keras Embedding layersUsing tf.keras APIEmbeddings are a technique that enable deep neural nets to work with sparse categorical variab...…
BigQuery and SQL
Most notes and code are from:Intro to SQL Introduction Table schema Big Datasets Estimate the size of query Limit scan data Techniques SELECT FROM WHERE More queries COUNT GROUP ...…
Data visualization (python)
Most notes and code are from:Data Visualization 1. Univariate Plotting 1.1. Bar Chart 1.2. Line Chart 1.3. Area Chart 1.4. Histogram Chart 2. Bivariate Plotting 2.1. Scatter Plot 2.2. Hexplot 2....…
Sublime Text Completions
作为不是一个学计算机的学生,之前打文档的时候一直不知道可以用代码片段snipperts直接呼出使用,减少代码的出错几率与提高效率。因为要经常打 $\LaTeX$ 数学公式,后来忍无可忍,在网上找了下教程Mitchell,并自己做了一个My completions(completions为一个文件包含多个snippets),使用了一段时间,感觉挺好用的就分享给大家。 Snippet Completions PlaceHolder My completions首先,先介绍一下基础的单个...…
Mathematics Reviews (Complex)
Some review notes are from:Complex Analysis Complex Analysis Introduction Birth Properties and Definitions Polar Representation Roots of Complex Numbers Topology in the Plane ...…
ios symbols
Source: ios开发特殊符号大全常用数学≥ ≮ ≠ ^ ∽ ≌ ≯ ≈ < > ≥ ≤ = ≈ ‖ ∠ ≡ + - × ÷ + - ± / = ≤ ㏑ ∨ ⊙ ㏒ ‖ ∑ ∈ ∠ ⌒ ‰ ∶ % ∪ ∴ ∵ ∝ ∞ ∏ ∫ ∮ ∟ ⊿ ∷ ⊥ ∧ ∩ √ ℃ ℉ ㎎ ㎏ ㎜ ㎝ ㎞ ㎡ ㏄ ㏎ ㏑ ㏒ ㏕ ℅ ‰ ‱ ∫ ∬ ∭ ∮ ∯ ∰ ∱ ∲ ∳杂项工业⌀ ⌁ ⌂ ⌃ ⌄ ⌅ ⌆ ⌇ ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ ⌌ ⌍ ⌎ ⌏ ⌐ ⌑ ⌒ ⌓ ⌔ ⌕ ⌖ ⌗ ⌘ ⌙ ⌚ ⌛ ⌜ ⌝ ⌞...…
Emoji cheat sheet
In some regions, it is very hard to load the web page, so I screenshot it from EMOJI CHEAT SHEET…
Machine Learning
Coursera.org 机器学习 笔记These are the notes by learning Andrew Ng’s “Machine Learning” from Coursera.org for future review Machine Learning Introduction Machine Learning Algorithms Supervised learning Unsupervised lear...…
Introduction to R Programming
R编程 初学者 代码整理Collecting of R Code (Noob)R Packages install commands like install.packages and install_githubdo library function to load them dplyr: a grammar of data manipulation ggplot2: for data visualizationBasic Load Data: data() from dat...…
Introduction to Probability and Data
These are the notes by learning the “Introduction to Probability and Data” from Coursera.org for future reviews.Introduction to Data Data matrix: data are organized in Observation (case): row Variable: columnTypes of variables Numerical ...…